Jun 29, 2013


is getting through not just today, or just tomorrow, but the rest of eternity.

Jun 28, 2013

that is all.

she exhales when she says your name.  that is all.

bubble boy

The bubble burst.  The boy stepped out of its plastic hull, deflated, and looked around at the miles of empty land where he had come to rest.  Earth.  It seemed so limitless in every direction, stretching out the same in all directions.  Hard to know which direction to set out in, from where he was standing.  Hard to tell what adventures were waiting behind different corners of the unknown universe, with it just all out flat there.  Like it was waiting for some big men with plows to churn it up and give it direction in the form of a two lane high way, connecting two distant dots, unseeable, on the plane, an infinite set of points linked together, birthed of the nothingness that was just a piece of land at the moment.

But there was no road.

From here.  Where to?

Jun 27, 2013


ce sabe o que voce tem, neh?

é a saudades de uma vida que não existe.  que nunca existiu.  um collage françesa de imagens, que voce já viu em alguns filmes japonês, fotos de Bali e as islas do caribê em uma revista de viagem.

sonhar é doença pura, meu.

Jun 26, 2013

Jun 24, 2013


nem é que perdi tudo.
é que quero perder.
quero perdição.

ele olhou pra mim. falou: existe no mundo mais que um como você.

Jun 4, 2013

Two ways

To her daughter, sprawled on the floor with a stack of Google maps and sharpie, what are you doing dear?
Looking for two way streets.
What for?
To know the best way to hell and back.


‪some days I remember the lies you told me and i laugh at both of us‬ ‪at me, for wanting so badly to believe you‬ ‪at you, for having t...